2010-08-25 16:39:43 閱讀()
摘要: 【中文摘要】 本文總結了關于縫隙特性的研究和目前工程中潔凈室壓差風量的計算方法,根據(jù)這些方法設計人員仍然難以準確確定潔凈室的壓差風量,作者通過調查指出了目前潔凈室設計和施工中存在壓差風量偏大的問題,問題的起因不是因為潔凈室不能做到要求的密封性,而是在于密封性比較好的潔凈室存在調試的困難。本文從便于實現(xiàn)壓力控制和節(jié)能的角度出發(fā),提出了對潔凈室的壓差風量進行主動控制的觀點和并通過實驗初步探討了相應的控制方法。 【英文摘要】 The research of the character of cracks and the methods of calculating the air flow rate for pressurization of cleanroom were summarized. However, the designers still can not figure out the air flow rate precisely based on these methods. Through investigation it is proved that this air flow rate is magnified in many cleanrooms. It is not because low-qualified air tightness of the enclosure, but because the difficulties in testing. From the view of pressure control and energy saving, the author pointed out that the air flow rate should be controlled actively and then provided the method to control it by analyzing an experiment. 【中文關鍵詞】 潔凈室; 縫隙; 壓差風量; 壓力控制【英文關鍵詞】 cleanroom cracks pressurized air flow rate pressure control